We've been organising our Serverless meetups in Brno for quite some time already. During our last meetup in Brno we saw approximately 25% of people were coming from Prague which was a clear message for us that there is a huge demand for Servelress tech also in there. That's why decided to do our next meetup in the capital city. 🏰
We underestimated the number of events happening in Prague during April so most of the places were fully booked. Luckily, in the end we found a "shelter" in Město Moře which provided us with a very warm and friendly venue. We knew the place is a bit smaller than what we were used to in Brno, so we had to set a cap on number of tickets. We were sold out two weeks in advance. 🚀
As usually, we had three speakers. The moderator and also the first speaker was me - Filip Pyrek. Since this was our first Serverless meetup in Prague I decided to give an intro talk about Serverless in general and to explain what it means in practise for teams to adopt Serverless. The next speaker was Thomas Ankcorn who works in Serverless Observability startup Baselime. He talked about what mistakes he did with Amazon StepFunctions, so that you can avoid them and also why is StepFunctions such a great service for business and why you should start using it in your product as soon as possible. And the last speaker was Muhammed Salih Güler who is a Senior Developer Advocate at the AWS Amplify team and huge fan of Flutter. Salih introduced the concept of Flutter and Dart and demonstrated how you can build a full-fledged cross-platform application with AWS Amplify in Flutter with both frontend and backend.
Giveaway competition - Amazon Echo Dot and more...
Even this time we were able to get some swag from AWS so we did a giveaway after the talks section and one of the prizes was also a ticket to DevOps Days Prague 2023. Congratulations to the winners and Hey Alexa! enjoy the prizes. 👏 🎁
#AWSswag reply to THIS tweet! Fantastic people at @awscloud were very generous and they provided all of this for participants of Serverless.LAB(meetup) #4
— Purple.LAB(life) 💜 (@PurpleLABlife) April 20, 2023
Thank you! 🙇 And who is gonna win? pic.twitter.com/wetL4BvczN
Pizza 🍕 Beer 🍻 Pizza 🍕
On our previous meetups we always underestimated the amount of pizzas and beer required for the whole evening. On our last meetup in Brno we had to drive to Makro after the second talk to buy another beer keg because we were out of beer. But luckily we made it! 💪🍻
This time we wanted to be ready and we ended up over-provisioning - as we say in cloud - our catering. At 4 AM as the meetup was getting to an end we still had 15 unopened pizzas boxes left and we decided to give it away to people on bus stops who were going to work early, so that they can enjoy a nice breakfast 🤘😄

Would you like to get back to some ideas from the talks?
1. Filip Pýrek (Serverless Architect @ Purple Technology)- Serverless is Just a Buzzword. But What Does it Mean in Practice?
Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/uGt1166Yh09y7L
2. Thomas Ankcorn (Senior Software Engineer @ Baselime) - 3 Steps for AWSome Step Functions
Slides: https://slides.com/thomasankcorn/deck-3a7eb8/
3. Muhammed Salih Güler (Senior Developer Advocate @ AWS) - Building Full Stack Flutter Applications with AWS Amplify
Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/Cv4jRxTLIchhPP

In the name of all the organizers of Serverless.LAB meetups we would like to thank you a lot for coming and participating and we are looking forward to seeing you on some of our upcoming events 💜🙇

PS: Don't forget to check out our last year's trip to AWS re:Invent. It was a blast! 🚀