Podcast Maťo s Honzou o naší Purple Engineering Culture Maťo s Honzou zavítali do SCRIPTease podcastu a podělili se o naše story o tom, jak v relativně malém týmu stavíme moderní cloudové FinTech aplikace pro obchodní brokery s miliardovými obraty.
Web-Tech A story about the beginning of PurpleStack This is a story about a group of people who found their passion in technology and architecture, how this passion planted a seed that grew in our current technological stack, and how we built a senior developers’ team from it today.
Web-Tech Príbeh o tom ako vznikol PurpleStack Je to príbeh o tom, ako skupina jednotlivcov našla vášeň v technológiách a architektúre, ako sa táto vášeň stala zárodkom technologického stacku a ako na tomto stacku dnes budujeme vyspelý tím vývojárov.
Web-Tech From LAMP to Serverless I learned to code on the job without any training in a production-only environment. Looking back, it’s a miracle that I survived.
Web-Tech Why you’ll end-up with Jira anyway We have been building our development team for quite a few years now, during which we've tried many different approaches to task management. Along the way we have both failed and learned a lot. Let me share that story.