Meetup Our first Serverless.LAB meetup in Prague Let's take a look at how our first Serverless.LAB meetup in Prague went. It was a success and we were fully booked two weeks in advance.
Meetup Třetí a největší Serverless meetup za námi Serverless komunita v Brně je stále silnější. Meetup pokořil nový rekord účastníků. Pojďme se podívat, co se událo.
AWS Official AWS Case Study about Purple Technology We are happy to announce that the official Case-Sudy about Purple Technology from AWS has been released. Together with AWS we wanted to share publicly our story of why we decided to go serverless and what are the business benefits of serverless for us.
AWS How to build Serverless app with SAML auth via AWS IAM Identity Center Googling study materials and tutorials about SAML can be hard compared to amount of content produced for modern technologies. Hopefully this article gave you at least basic overview on how to make it work and what library to choose in order to have secure authentication.
Serverless Error Recovery Pattern With AWS Step Functions AWS Step Functions is powerful service providing easy way how to implement difficult business logic. In this post I would like to show you how to design system resilient against unexpected errors.
AWS Serverless SSR with React 18 and NextJS 12 in AWS When building serverless applications we still want to use modern frontend technologies. Our entire stack is composed of various serverless services created with the serverless framework, deployed to AWS. Our frontend should be no different from the rest of our stack. It should be serverless.
Serverless Datadog: The State of Serverless 2022 Datadog announced updated version of their famous "The State of Serverless" report for the year 2022. Inside this report Datadog mentions that "Over half of organizations operating in each cloud have adopted serverless" which is very good news for the Serverless industry.
Talk Honza and Filip at Serverless Inc. Community Call Honza and Filip took part at regular Serverless Community Call organised by Serverless Inc. and talked about our Serverless journey we went through at Purple Technology and presented anatomy of our Purple Stack.
Technokrati Jak jsme vyhráli Nintendo a nechali se napálit, aneb Technokrati na cestách Filip s Maťem se vydali na Serverless Architecture Conference 2022, která se konala v Haagu a nakonec se z toho vyklubalo velmi nemilé překvapení v podobě předražené poloprázdné konference plné všeho možného, jen ne Serverlessu.
Meetup Report z druhého Serverless Brno meetupu Jde znát, že zájem o Serverless mezi komunitou v Česku roste, čemuž nasvědčujte i fakt, že jsme se téměř nevešli do konferenční místnosti s kapacitou pro 110 lidí! Pojďme se ohlédnout zpět a udělat si menší rekapitulaci.
AWS Purple Technology oznamuje prvního AWS Hero v Česku Naší snahy v oblasti evangelizace Serverless Computingu si všimli i v Amazonu a AWS udělilo našemu Serverless Architektovi Filipovi titul "AWS Hero" a Filip se tímto stal prvním AWS Hero v Česku a na Slovensku a nejmladším AWS Hero na světě.
Podcast Filip at Real World Serverless podcast Filip was invited by Yan Cui AKA Theburningmonk to talk about how we use Serverless at Purple Technology - especially AWS Step Functions. Check it out!
AWS Serverless from an executive's perspective Petr Konupek would like to drop a few words about the managerial perspective and how being serverless affects everyday life in the company.
Podcast Boříme mýty o Serverlessu v CZpodcastu Naši kolegové Filip, Maťo a Radis byli hosty ve známém českém podcastu "CZpodcast", kde prozradili jak jsme u nás v Purple Technology začínali před pěti lety s moderní Serverless architekturou a proč je to podle nás must-have přístup pro (nejen) nově vznikající startupy.
Meetup Ohlédnutí za prvním Serverless Brno meetupem První Serverless Brno meetup je za námi, tak si ho pojďme zrekapitulovat.
Talk Filip on Step Functions at Serverless Summit 21 From time to time we need our State Machines to wait for some async action, for example a webhook call, and we created a mechanism which we use all over our systems.
Serverless Asynchronous actions with AWS Step Functions Callback Patterns are a very powerful feature of AWS Step functions, providing an easy way how to control the state machine execution flow. Let's build a scalable solution which helps us track the current state of an execution and handles external asynchronous actions triggered by other services.
Meetup Serverless Brno Meetup #1 V Purple Technology používáme Serverless architekturu už více než 4 roky a právě používání Serverlessu nám umožnilo co nejefektivněji využít naše kapacity. Společně s dalšími řečníky a s vámi chceme rozšířit povědomí o tomhle přístupu, protože v Česku pořád není známý tak, jak by si zasloužil.
Talk Filip on Serverless in FinTech industry Filip was invited by AWS Serverless Hero Srushith Repakula to talk at Serverless Saturdays hosted by AWS User Group Tirupati about how we use Serverless in FinTech industry.
AWS Filip recognized as Serverless Star of the Week We are happy to announce that our Serverless Architect Filip Pýrek [] was recognized as Serverless Star of the Week ⭐️ in the most popular Serverless
Podcast Filip at Talking Serverless podcast Filip discusses with Ryan Jones from Serverless Guru our journey to Serverless and the current challenges we are facing at Purple Technology. Check it out!
Serverless Lessons learned: AWS AppSync Subscriptions In this article we will get a bit more deeper into mechanisms of AppSync Subscriptions because even though they are documented in the AppSync documentation we couldn't see or understand some of the behaviours.